A Bride for Blaze: The Proxy Brides Book 82

Blaze found himself in trouble and was offered a way out, but only if he signed the papers for a proxy bride. Blaze signed even though he didn’t think he could support a bride from Chicago. He felt she would want fancy clothes and wouldn’t be able to handle the heat along with the hard work.

Bethany was shocked when her father said she was getting married in a few minutes. There were so many questions she wanted to ask him, but he hurried her along and the next thing she knew she was on a train riding out of town. She was thankful to leave the crowds and the smoke-filled skies behind but not her father, whom she loved dearly.

She promised herself she would be the best wife that she could be, but would it be enough? Will he come to love her? She dreamed of a marriage with love and children. Will it happen?

Will they fall in love with each other, or will their proxy marriage be annulled? Will the trouble follow behind her and find her?

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A Bride for Milo: Proxy Brides - Book 79

When Evelyn said "I do," she stepped into a mystery.

Evelyn's life, already marked by her father's illness, takes an unexpected turn with the news of a hastily arranged proxy marriage. The stakes rise as she realizes this union is her only shield against her avaricious sister-in-law, hungry for the inheritance she would receive upon her marriage.

In the courtroom, a stranger stands in for her husband-to-be, Milo, his identity as inscrutable as her future. Boarding a train to her new life, she can't help but wonder about the man she's tied her fate to. Who is this Milo, and can he provide the sanctuary she desperately seeks?

Join Evelyn on her journey into the unknown, as she navigates the precarious transition from a daughter's sheltered life to a wife's profound mysteries. Will she escape the impending danger? Can Milo prove to be the refuge and love she yearns for? Or will the bonds of a hastily arranged marriage unravel as swiftly as they were tied? Follow Evelyn's story, a tale of intrigue, courage, and the search for love amid life's unpredictable turns.

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Minerva : Rescue Me Mail Order Brides Book # 20

When danger stared, Minerva dared to hope.

Stalked by a relentless robber, Minerva finds herself teetering on the knife-edge of danger. His chilling determination to silence her ignites a desperate plan in her heart. With little to lose and everything to gain, she contemplates the unthinkable—becoming a mail-order bride to a man she's never met. But will this decision prove to be her sanctuary or ensnare her in deeper danger?

Dive into Minerva's world, where the prospect of love is as uncertain as the flicker of hope in her heart. Will her mysterious suitor provide the refuge she craves, or will her gamble expose her to greater threats? Is she running into the arms of safety or spiraling into unseen peril?

Embark on a riveting journey with Minerva, a tale rich in suspense, sacrifice, and unexpected turns. Can love blossom from the seeds of desperation, or will her quest for survival lead her down a path of unanticipated consequences? Through every pulse-pounding moment, discover a woman's resolve to survive, to love, and above all, to hope.

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Bride for Dominic : The Proxy Brides - Book 71

Chantilly's choices were as delicate as her name.

Orphaned and entrusted to an uncaring uncle, Chantilly finds herself continually pawned off to potential husbands far her senior. She defiantly refuses each proposal, unwilling to surrender her freedom for the hollow comfort of a gilded cage. But what future does she face under her uncle's oppressive rule, now penniless and bereft of the inheritance her father had promised?

Left with few options, she stumbles upon an unconventional solution—a Proxy Bride. But who is this man, willing to marry a woman he's never met? Is he as destitute as she, or does he hide a more complex truth beneath his request?

Join Chantilly as she navigates this perplexing path of arranged marriage, discovering along the way the man behind the proxy and the secrets he harbors. Will this unconventional arrangement lead her to a life she always feared, or could it surprisingly open doors to freedom, love, and a future she could call her own?

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Priscilla: Runaway Brides Of The West - Book 4

When Priscilla fled the altar, she was running towards the unknown.

Following the death of her father, Priscilla's life is yanked from her control as her brother orchestrates her marriage. His choice of suitor leaves her cold, and though she attempts to submit to the ceremony, a surge of resistance sends her sprinting away from the altar. But what propels her flight, and where can she go now?

Her path is as unclear as her future. Will Curtis, the man she left at the altar, pursue her? Can she build a life on the run, and can she find solace in solitude? Or will her flight lead her to places she never imagined?

Join Priscilla on her brave journey of defiance and discovery, navigating an unfamiliar world of independence and uncertainty. Will she find joy or fall into despair in her quest for freedom? Her path is uncertain, the stakes are high, and every step she takes leads her closer to the truth about herself, about love, and about the life she truly desires.

Follow her adventure, a gripping tale of resilience, courage, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Bessie's Blessing: Thanksgiving Brides Book 2

In the chaos of the Oklahoma land rush, Bessie dares to claim land, love, and independence.

In the rugged frontier of Oklahoma, Bessie stands on the precipice of both love and opportunity. When her fiancé, Jasper, prioritizes other tasks over their shared dream of owning land, Bessie bravely decides to venture into the tumultuous land rush on her own. She is determined to secure a future for herself, even if she has to break society's norms and expectations.

As she journeys to stake her claim, she is accompanied by her father's best friend, Sam, and his son. But their presence and intentions add another layer of complexity to Bessie's already challenging quest. Will Sam's matchmaking intentions stand in the way of her original plans?

Meanwhile, as Bessie stakes her claim in Oklahoma, she can't help but wonder whether Jasper will step up in time to join her. In a world where promises hang in the balance, and love can be as elusive as a fleeting horizon, will Bessie find the land—and the love—she so courageously sought?

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